"'I don't think there is much of an IQ difference between the Nordic peoples. ... If we are approaching a discontinuity in Western History then we will probably witness selection pressures in favor of ethnocentric warrior creeds. ... I don't think any single factor ever explains everything, not even genes or IQ, but if we assume that Europeans, and Germanic Europeans in particular, have a genetic profile which favors altrusim then we will probably be facing a bottleneck in the coming generations where only those whites capable of carving out a land exclusively for them and expelling intruders will survive and pass on their genes. ... What we have witnessed during the past century is the unprecedented situation where the global human population has exploded, but mainly in dysfunctional Third World countries. If high-IQ countries such as Germany and Japan have stagnating populations and low-IQ countries such as Nigeria and the Yemen have booming populations, does that not mean that the global average IQ is declining? It probably does. What kind of effect will this have on world civilization? This question is perhaps the greatest possible taboo that exists in the modern West, but in my view it needs to be asked. ... Around WWI, people of European origins made up at least a third of the world's population. Now we're soon down to single digits and still falling. This is rapidly turning into a question of survival. ... We should remember that most of the population growth in the Third World has been caused and sustained by the global impact of Western technology. When the West is no longer willing or able to carry these countries on our backs then many of them will simply implode'," Baron Bodissey (BB) quoting Fjordman at Gates of Vienna, 10 January 2010, link: http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/01/iq-and-human-accomplishment-debate.html.
BB may be writing of Mencius Moldbug's "reset". For years I've said a "discontinuity" is coming. Be patient. It will. Here's a book to read on this topic, Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray (CM), 2003. Despite what you may have learned in politically correct school, most of it was done by dead white guys. The same CM who was co-author of the Bell Curve, 1994? Yeah, that guy.
When a superpower is no longer super... the outposts fall first... and then roads that lead to the center become unsafe... corrupt interests drive the state... vision is gone... darkness...
Murray's book seems to argue that moral purpose undergirded great intelligence in the times that humanity surged forward... unleashing the potential of the whole of society...
It would be interesting to know what happened to society's in the spans where great intelligence was harnessed solely to profit seeking for the privileged...
Hello I.A.
Watch Idiocracy.
I saw the movie and referred to it in my 24 January 2008 post: http://skepticaltexascpa.blogspot.com/2008/01/anatole-of-france-lives-4.html. That's where we're going.
the world is becoming more and more of a dichotomy: all tail ends and nothing in the middle. problem is that, not dissimilar to the snake, the head end is significantly larger in gross size than the tail end, even if it contains little of value.
so we have a population of 'have nots' rising globally, [and locally. the middle class is now the homeless] meritocracy is redlined [my dog can beat up your honor student] and politicians argue about the need for universal birth control and abortion.
sorry to be so politically incorrect and possibly offensive but i think china was onto something with its one child mandate.
You never have to apologize for being politically incorrect at Skeptical CPA.
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