Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wilson's Continuing Failure

"'America is losing the Free World,' was the arresting headline over the Financial Times column by Gideon Rachman. His Thesis: 'The largest democracies of South America, the Middle East and Asia--South Africa, Turkey, India--are all moving out of America's orbit. (T)he assumption that the democracies would stick together is proving unfounded.' ... The ruling parties in all four were democratically elected. Yet, in all four, democratic solidarity is being trumped by an older solidarity--of Third World people of color against a 'white, rich Western world.' ... What makes this frightening,' says [Geoffrey] Wheatcroft, 'is that many American politicians and commentators ... have yet to grasp this reality. Such ignorance is evident in the bizarre notion--current even before George W. Bush took the oath of office--that America not only can and should spread democracy, but that this would be in the American national interest. Why did anyone think this?' ... What, then, is the rationale for the National Endowment for Democracy to continue tax dollars to promote such elections? ... When colonialism ended in East Africa, Indians were massacred. The Chinese suffered a horrible pogrom in Indonesia in 1965, when the dictator Sukarno fell--and another when Sukarto fell. Picked clean, two-thirds of the 250,000 whites in Rhodesia when Robert Mugabe took powwer are gone. ... If racial and religious bonds and ancient animosities against the West trump any democratic solidarity with the West, of what benefit to America is democracy in the Third World? ... Is democratism our salvation--or an ideology of Western suicide?", Pat Buchanan at Vdare, 7 January 2010, link:

Hitler was elected too. So? Consider this article's implications for American and European immigration policies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Democracy is a tremendous system but it's the ultimate folly to think that it can imposed from the outside.

I think our effort to transplant democracy is as much about expanding capitalism and militarism...

If I were in another nation I might reject American "democracy" too...

We promote the shiny ideal of democracy but if I were an Afghani I think I would view the American presence there just like I viewed the Russian war of 20 years ago.

Immigration must be examined. There's no more "public largess" available to pay for their schooling, health care... etc...