Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't: Read, Watch or Comprehend

Thomas Bertonneau, who I've cited before has three new posts about today's college students, 28 January, 4 and 11 February 2010. Here's the links:


ubu roi said...

Alan Bloom called them alternately "souls without longing" or "souls in embryo"

Anonymous said...

From Mr. Bertonneau's first essay...

"...The conviction has grown on me that those who do best in a film course are those whose literacy is most developed. Those whose literacy is least developed, and whose general knowledge is restricted even when their acquaintance with current commercial entertainment is encyclopedic, perform only at a mediocre level. They miss as much in the movie as they do in the poem, play, or novel..."

The majority of folks consume junk... that's an age old problem...

Raising standards is necessary... across the board... I'll try and raise a few of my own...

ubu roi said...

About junk, it was Santayana who said, "Americans love junk; it's not the junk that bothers me, it's the love."

And I owe SCPA a debt for introducing me to T. Bertonneau; a very fine critic and essayist.

Independent Accountant said...

You are welcome.